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"In order to succeed, we tribals need a sense of self-efficacy, to struggle together with resilience to meet the inevitable obstacles and inequities of life. We should always remember that striving and struggle precede success, even in the dictionary."

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Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Strengthening the national policy to eliminate discrimination against indigenous and tribal people

In order to effectively eliminate discrimination against indigenous and tribal people, the following elements should be considered in the national policy:

Legislation prohibiting and preventing discrimination in employment and occupation against indigenous people, as well as effective enforcement of such legislation. Ensuring access of indigenous and tribal people to judicial and administrative procedures.

Measures to protect indigenous and tribal people in the informal economy from work-related discrimination, forced labour and other exploitative labour practices.

Provisions to ensure that indigenous and tribal people can carry out their traditional occupations without undue restrictions and to this end recognizing their right to exist and to maintain their cultures, traditions and institutions in national law and policies.

Social dialogue on indigenous and tribal people’ and persons equal opportunities to access decent work.

Promotion of awareness and respect for indigenous cultures and traditions among non-indigenous segments of society.

Providing educational and training opportunities on at least an equal footing with the rest of the national community. Ensure that the training programmes offered are based on the practical needs, social and cultural conditions and economic environment relevant to the people concerned.

Consider the provision of bilingual and intercultural education. Consultation with and participation of indigenous and tribal people in the development and implementation of measures designed to promote their equality of opportunity and treatment in employment and occupation, including any special measures.

Mainstreaming the promotion of equal opportunities in employment and occupation in relevant national policies, such as land policies, poverty reduction strategies, rural or local development programmes, training policies, employment policies(including inter alia, active labour market measures, environmental policies, and gender policies).

Enhanced cooperation between governmental units responsible for labour and employment matters, human rights, or indigenous and tribal affairs.

Integration of a gender perspective in all measures undertaken to promote equality of opportunity and treatment of indigenous and tribal people.

Monitoring of the situation of indigenous people in employment and occupation on the basis of appropriate data (disaggregated by sex).

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